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Escaped teen murder suspect Shane Pryor recaptured by US Marshals

On Sunday, the Philadelphia US Marshals Service announced that escaped 17-year-old prisoner Shane Pryor had been caught again. This put a cap on the 5-day-long manhunt for the teen murder suspect after his recent escape.
CBS News Philadelphia reported that the police was able to take Pryor into custody at the 3rd Street and Roosevelt Boulevard without any trouble. In the same statement released by the police, the officials also confirmed that he was being transported to the homicide cell.
Photos of the arrest were also posted on the USMS_Philly X (formerly Twitter) account, thus alerting the concerned citizens of the development. The post further reveals that the investigators effectively apprehended Pryor during their surveillance in an area that the teenager frequently visited. He was taken in as he was observed boarding a Septa bus. US Marshals got the bus pulled over and apprehended Pryor without incident.
A warning was issued stating that Pryor was considered ‘dangerous’. He’s awaiting trial for Tanya Harris’ murder. Having been in custody since 2020, Pryor is said to have shot the woman on October 10, 2020, after soliciting sex. He was seen fleeing the scene with another male.
Pryor had even submitted a lie about the other man being an adult between the ages 25-30. Though having affirmed his advances to Harris for sex, he pinned the blame for the murder on the other male suspect. The latter, who was also captured on the CCTV, was eventually found out to be a 14 or 15-year-old. Pryor, himself, has been in prison since he was 14 years old.
The Tanya Harris murder suspect had been on the run since Wednesday. He ditched police custody after he was taken to the Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania for a hand injury treatment.
Another post shared along with a CCTV footage lends us a look into Pryor’s escape at the hospital. After escaping the escorting staff members at the facility at 11:51 am, he was found in the lobby of the Hub for Clinical Collaboration. There he attempted to obtain a phone from an employee, but was denied permission.
Thereafter, he obtained the desired assistance from a civilian outside. And by 12:29 pm, investigators believed that he had received transportation help. Reportedly, the 17-year-old contacted Michael Diggs, an 18-year-old, who later picked him up. At 6:38 pm, Diggs’ car was pulled over, but Pryor was not found with him at the time.
